Friday 20 February 2009

First Models

Okay my first modeling update.

Sadly I'd have liked to do a full from start, ravager (not Ravisher as some people have called them :P) But i primed and based him after the creation of this blog so he's a little ahead of where i'd honestly like him to be.

Okay now onto the swamp gobbers, these little pain in asses, have taken me a fair ammount of time(sorry about the poor quality, been working on a light box will get one set up when I have my room shuffled around.) Their about three or four layers of various mixed greens, containing Gnarlock Green, Goblin Green, Isoan Green. and Dark Angels Green followed by two layers of flesh wash for the flesh. Although the flesh wash ended up over the entire model as opposed to just the flesh.

Which is a slight deviation to my usual tact of coating the model with armour wash. Something Matt gives me endless crap for and I write off as a kind of style. Since for me it helps add to the effect the smog and smoke covered battlefeilds of the IK. Also these boys are currently in the process of being coated with water effect, to carry on the swamp theme. So thats what the white pva looking stuff covering them is. Also I used a part chestunt ink (R.I.P Most beloved Ink.) part tanned leather. For the rusting on the bellows carrier. All of the rivets and bolts, as well as joints on the fog jar have some of this rust mix around them.

Now the first of these guys who's carrying the smog bag, I currently forget his actual title. I decided to do something nifty and paint each of the patches on his bag a different colour, repersenting a cobbled together bag. However it was only after I started I realised exactly how many patches this guy had on his bag. Yeah.......needless to say I used every single colour I own sans one or two.

I'll be putting up the post about the ravager later. I want to a add a little more to him. And coming up with him will probably be My darious conversion.

Hope Y'all are doing well, I'mma go paint.


Thursday 19 February 2009

Smart people

Okay, as we're gonna see in a few days time when I finish typing it up. I am a HUGE fan of social media(I could potentailly rival Tee Morris in terms of my love for it.) And recently I've been listening to Chris Lester and J. Daniel Sawyers feedback episodes for both the Metamphor City and Antithesis. While I'm a fan of the later and not the fromer. The feedback episodes for both are FANTASTIC listening with discussion and general fun from some very smart people. The attack of the kiwi series and the series on sex is great, and not in the titliating way. Its a upfront mostly adult :P disgussion about sex. And the non sex ones are great thinkers episodes, discussions social topics, politicis, plot etc etc etc.

Wednesday 18 February 2009 I have a blog.

This is in part due to bored, due to having a camera, and due lack of wanting to jump on the bandwangon :P

I'm gonna start my own painting/modeling blog. Also becaue due to my good friend Rob, I've been picking up a lot more painting recently, and also, because having all of my work in the public domain ups my game tenfold. So yeah those of you reading this will get painting updates, modeling updates. W.I.P's and general crap about whats going on with me.

So Welcome to Bodgejobs.
